Farm Jeep Hydraulic Lift Database

This project is on hold while we make needed improvements – Check back soon.

The hydraulic implement lift is one of the key features of the Farm Jeep. There were four “Jeep Approved” lifts and at least two other lifts that were sold for the Jeep from 1946 until the mid-1970s. There are no production records for any of the lifts and no means of determining how many lifts of each type were produced. Likewise there is no means of identifying how many lifts are still around today.

We are asking lift owners of all types to provide a few data items. We plan to start a campaign to teach all Jeep owners how to spot a Farm Jeep. We hope they will take a photo and add their sightings to this list.

Of particular interest is any serial number or other id. By looking at serial number ranges, we hope to estimate some production numbers. For lifts without serial numbers, we will make a simple count.

This can’t be a precise , scientific endeavor, but we believe some data is better than no data. As the list grows and especially if someone other than an owner registers a lift, we can expect duplication. We will attempt to remove duplications when we see them. Please send us a note if you spot a duplicate or other error.